Institute for

Forensic Science

Selected Publications (Institute of Forensic Science)

Dr. Jan Halámek

Associate professor


  1. Brunelle, E., Eldridge, M., & Halámek, J. (2021). Determination of Time since Deposition of Fingerprints via Colorimetric Assays. ACS Omega, 6(19), 12898–12903.

  2. McGoldrick, L. K. & Halámek, J. (2020). Recent advances in noninvasive biosensors for forensics, biometrics, and cybersecurity. Sensors (Switzerland), 20(21).

  3. McGoldrick, L. K.; Weiss, E. A.; & Halámek, J. (2019). Symmetric-Key Encryption Based on Bioaffinity Interactions. ACS Synthetic Biology, 8(7).

  4. Hair, M. E.; Gerkman, R.; Mathis, A. I.; Halámková, L.; & Halámek, J. (2019). Noninvasive Concept for Optical Ethanol Sensing on the Skin Surface with Camera-Based Quantification. Analytical Chemistry, 91(24).

  5. Brunelle, E.; Thibodeau, B.; Shoemaker, A.; & Halámek, J. (2019). Step toward Roadside Sensing: Noninvasive Detection of a THC Metabolite from the Sweat Content of Fingerprints. ACS Sensors, 4(12).

  6. Hair, M. E.; Mathis, A. I.; Brunelle, E. K.; Halámková, L.; & Halámek, J. (2018). Metabolite Biometrics for the Differentiation of Individuals. Analytical Chemistry, 90(8).


Dr. Paola Prada-Tiedemann

Research Assistant Professor


  1. Rojas-Guevara, J. U., Córdoba-Parra, J. D., Bohórquez, G. A., Vega-Contreras, R. A., & Prada-Tiedemann, P. (2021). El papel de los equipos caninos detectores de restos humanos en la investigación criminal. Revista Científica General José María Córdova, 19(33).

  2. Oliva, M., Zhang, D., Prada-Tiedemann, P., & Gamez, G. (2021). Laser assisted sampling vs direct desorption flowing atmospheric pressure afterglow mass spectrometry of complex polymer samples: Forensic implications for pressure sensitive tape chemical analysis. Talanta, 231.

  3. Raymer, J., Prada-Tiedemann, P. A., & Rojas-Guevara, J. U. (2020). Decomposition Residual Odor Volatiles in Soil from a West Texas Environment. Revista Criminalidad, 62(3).

  4. Blanar, K. & Prada-Tiedemann, P. A. (2020). Characterization of the volatile odor profile from larval masses in a field decomposition setting. Forensic Chemistry, 21.

  5. Prada, P. A. & Furton, K. G. (2018). Birds and dogs: Toward a comparative perspective on odor use and detection. In Frontiers in Veterinary Science (Vol. 5, Issue AUG).

  6. Prada, P. A., & Chávez Rodríguez, M. (2016). Demining Dogs in Colombia - A Review of Operational Challenges, Chemical Perspectives, and Practical Implications. In Science and Justice (Vol. 56, Issue 4).


Department of Environmental Toxicology



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